Friday, 17 July 2009

PLTS - What do they mean?

Independent Enquirers:
Young people process and evaluate information in their investigations, planning what to do and how to go about it. They take informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognising that others have different beliefs and attitudes.

Creative Thinkers:
Young people think creatively by generating and exploring ideas, making original connections. They try different ways to tackle a problem, working with others to find imaginative solutions and outcomes that are of value.

Reflective Learners
Young people evaluate their strengths and limitations, setting themselves realistic goals with criteria for success. They monitor their own performance and progress, inviting feedback from others and making changes to further their learning.

Team Workers
Young people work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for their own part. They listen to and take account of different views. They form collaborative relationships, resolving issues to reach agreed outcomes.

Young people organise themselves, showing personal responsibility, initiative, creativity and enterprise with a commitment to learning and self- improvement. They actively embrace change, responding positively to new priorities, coping with challenges and looking for opportunities.

Effective participators
Young people actively engage with issues that affect them and those around them. They play a full part in the life of their school, college, workplace or wider community by taking responsible action to bring improvements for others as well as themselves.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Year 12 Research: Plate Tectonics

Research the following, to create a mini portfolio:

  1. Young Fold Mountains
  2. Rift Valleys
  3. Ocean Ridges
  4. Deep Sea Trenches
  5. Island Arcs

The information you must find about each includes:

  • Description for each explaining how it formed
  • Where they are located: think about if it is at particular plate margins, give examples
  • Diagram of how it formed, or what it looks like now.

You will need to print off this research to use it to revise from for your exams.

Below are some useful links that may assist you in your research:

Friday, 3 July 2009

Plate tectonic videos

Various videos covering all areas of plate tectonics. The videos make excellent starters and plenaries.

Introduction to plate tectonics:

AS and A2 level exam papers

Link to all previous AQA, OCR, edexcel and ICE exam papers. The exam papers are available in a PDF format and are easily downloadable and printable.

Research on deserts

Research a particular desert, constructing a powerpoint about that desert.

Do not copy and paste text
Do not change the background of the powerpoint

Things to include in the powerpoint:
Location - maps, description
Describe the climate for the desert - climate graphs with descriptions
Plants and animals - descriptions, how adapted, pictures

Usefull websites are linked below to help your search:

Desert Project Videos

Video about animal adaptions to life in the desert

Video about plant adaptions to life in the desert.

The climate and landforms of the desert

Locations and types of desert

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Deserts Project - Year 8

Create a wall showing lots of information about hot and cold deserts!
think about the animals, plants, people, climate

Year 7 Transport Project

Add resources about different types of transport from the past, present to the future.
Use this wall as a resource database for the class!